“Since retaining NAMIC services our association has been able to take the efforts of KAPCIC to a renewed prominence. We have experienced fantastic results from the organization, planning, and increased attendance of our annual convention, an enormous increase of value to our membership’s educational and informational needs. NAMIC’s association management and finance services have equally improved the value to membership, allowing a restored focus of efforts that aid the advocacy goals of our association’s purpose. Within the ten years I’ve been involved with KAPCIC, the single best decision we’ve made has been to retain the services of NAMIC to assist our association.”

CEO, Farmers Mutual Insurance Company

“(The NAS) team did an outstanding job, especially given the short timeline. We got great feedback about the (virtual) happy hour at the LIC Annual Meeting! Your team did an outstanding job and seems to have this platform really well figured out.”

Associate Director, Life Insurers Council

“Thanks guys!  I loved this complement (from an attendee of our event) and wanted to pass it along: "You really are killing it with these events!! I’m so in awe of how they’ve all come together so seemingly seamlessly..."  I love that "seemingly seamlessly."  Thank you to the NAMIC team for getting us to "seemingly seamlessly!"

Chair, Ellevate Louisiana